Thornhill Security Ltd

Top 5 Things to Look For When Choosing a Locksmith

Top 5 Things to Look For When Choosing a Locksmith

With security becoming more and more important to homes and businesses across the UK, finding a trustworthy locksmith is essential.

Whether you’re locked out of your home or need to upgrade your security systems, doing your research before choosing a locksmith can make all the difference in terms of quality and value for money.

In this blog post, we will look at our top 5 things to consider when choosing a locksmith for your home or business.

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5 Signs It’s Time to Upgrade Your Safe

5 Signs It’s Time to Upgrade Your Safe

Our homes are often where we keep our most valuable possessions, whether it’s jewellery, cash, heirlooms or important documents. What’s more, increasingly affordable and accessible technology means most homes also contain expensive electronic equipment such as TVs, games consoles and computers.

Unfortunately, this makes homes a target for thieves and in 2022 alone, there were over 400,000 offenses relating to domestic burglary recorded. Businesses are also targeted by theft, with 9% of businesses across the UK being victims to burglary in 2022.

Safes are one of the many security measures that homes and businesses can use to protect their valuables. Should thieves gain access to a premises, a secure safe can protect valuables and deter most burglary attempts. In high security environments, safes with additional security can be used to prevent entry even with specialist equipment.

However, like any equipment, safes have a lifespan and there will come a time when safes should be upgraded to ensure they continue to protect your assets. Our latest blog post explores 5 signs it could be time to upgrade your safe

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Key Management – Best Practice for Businesses

Key Management – Best Practice for Businesses

When it comes to security and access control, efficient key management is a critical part of safeguarding your assets, properties, and sensitive areas.

Whether you’re a business owner, property manager, or landlord, understanding the importance of key management and utilising the right products can make a significant difference to the overall security of your premises.

In this blog post, we’ll explain the benefits of proper key management and showcase products, including master key systems and key cabinets that can improve key management.

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6 Things to Consider when Buying a Safe

6 Things to Consider when Buying a Safe

Buying a safe can be a substantial but necessary investment for many households, and whilst the Crime Survey for England and Wales shows that incidents of theft from personal property is falling, there were still over 600,000 offences in the year ending March 2020.

Protecting your valuable items such as keys, jewellery, phones, cash, laptops and important documents is important and if stored in a safe, they become unobtainable to intruders who will grab what they can find.

But with so much choice, how do you know what safe to buy? Read on for the 6 considerations when choosing a safe.

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The Ultimate Guide to Securing Your Garage

The Ultimate Guide to Securing Your Garage

If like many Brits, you store valuables such as power tools, bikes and vehicles in your garage, it is important to ensure that you take the necessary steps to prevent break-ins and theft.

As well as the valuables that may be stored inside, garages are often connected to the home, giving intruders access to the property through the garage which is usually the weakest point.

To ensure your garage doesn’t become an easy target for thieves, we have highlighted everything you need to know about garage security, including the best tips and security products for keeping your garage and the valuables within secure at all times.

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Our Top Security Tips for Small Business Owners

Our Top Security Tips for Small Business Owners

As a business owner, you have a lot on your daily and weekly to do list – from managing staff and payroll through to keeping on top of sales figures and marketing activity. But how high up does security feature on your to do list?

Security covers a whole range of issues; the people you employ, the security products you have in place, your processes and policies to name a few.

The tips below have been written to help you think through the different areas of security for you and your company and can be used as a checklist to ensure you have the main areas covered.

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Christmas Security: Our Top 7 Tips

Christmas Security: Our Top 7 Tips

Christmas Security TipsChristmas brings excitement for many, both children and adults alike. The delights of festive foods, gift giving, and spending time with the family are the pinnacles of a great Christmas. But, unfortunately, Christmas is also a prosperous and joyous occasion for thieves across the globe.

Caught up in festive spirit many individuals and homeowners lose sense of keeping their homes and belongings secure. Subject to a higher than normal value of contents, thanks to a pile of gifts, gadgets, and jewellery our homes are a hotspot for burglar activity as we leave them unattended to enjoy parties and visit relatives. So rather than let your home become subject to a real life Grinch literally stealing Christmas, ensure your property, cars, and gifts are out of prying hands. Follow our top tips below:

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Warehouse Security Measures & Best Practices

Warehouse Security Measures & Best Practices

warehouse break in 1Warehouses supplying high volume, high value stock are at particular risk of burglary. In fact 20% of all recorded crime in the UK accounts for offences against businesses.

With such figures at play it is important that business owners take significant measures to protect their property and their belongings. Whilst CCTV may act as a perfectly good deterrent, alone it is not enough to ward off burglars.

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Investing in a Safe to Protect the Things you Love

Investing in a Safe to Protect the Things you Love

Many expensive gifts are exchanged around Christmas, Valentine’s day and Mother’s Day – so how do you ensure that they are suitably protected from opportunistic thieves?

Whilst crime rates have been falling over the past 20 years, there are still around 2 in every 100 households who fall victim to domestic burglary. And with 70% of these thieves gaining entry through a door, it’s worth considering how to better protect some of your more expensive and precious gifts such as jewellery, watches and laptops.

In our latest blog post, we take a look at the most commonly stolen items from homes and how you can ensure your valuables are safe.

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Keeping your Work Equipment Secure When Working From Home

Keeping your Work Equipment Secure When Working From Home

Working from home has increased immensely this year in the light of the COVID pandemic. In April during lockdown 46% of us were working from home and whilst the government encouraged workers to return to offices in August, they have had to revert to their working form home where possible guideline as the number of COVID cases begin to rise again.

Many organisations had already taken the decision to keep employees working from home until January 2021, whilst some businesses have gone further and chosen to close their offices altogether and completely revert to their workforce working remotely.

Whichever group you fall in to, it is clear that businesses and individuals need to be thinking longer term and to assess in particular the security measures they have for protecting valuable equipment and kit.

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