Thornhill Security Ltd

Investing in a Safe to Protect the Things you Love

Investing in a Safe to Protect the Things you Love

Many expensive gifts are exchanged around Christmas, Valentine’s day and Mother’s Day – so how do you ensure that they are suitably protected from opportunistic thieves?

Whilst crime rates have been falling over the past 20 years, there are still around 2 in every 100 households who fall victim to domestic burglary. And with 70% of these thieves gaining entry through a door, it’s worth considering how to better protect some of your more expensive and precious gifts such as jewellery, watches and laptops.

In our latest blog post, we take a look at the most commonly stolen items from homes and how you can ensure your valuables are safe.

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University Students – Don’t Leave Your Valuables At Risk This Term

student security tipsFor those at university, security is probably a low priority – in between lectures, nights out and trying to keep the house clean, many students leave their valuables at risk on a daily basis.

The reality is, one in five students fall victim to a crime while studying at university according to figures from the National Union of Students website.

It’s important to be aware of home and personal security whilst at university, so we’ve come up with a few routines to get into to keep your valuables safe – and products that will assist you in doing so.

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