Thornhill Security Ltd

Why Your Business Should Consider a Security Door

Why Your Business Should Consider a Security Door

How secure are your premises? Whether you own a shop, garage, warehouse or have premises that store high-end goods such as jewellery or expensive equipment you no doubt you have quite a bit of security at the front of the property, but what about at the rear of it?

It’s important to think about both the rear and the front of your premises when it comes to security – an obvious thing to highlight, but often the rear of a premises can be the weakest entry point for a determined intruder.  Away from the view of passers-by and perhaps a little less well lit, it offers would-be thieves a quieter spot to try and force entry.

So, it is really important to think about your external doorways and the type of security doors you have fitted and how well they can withstand a determined attempt to gain access to your property.

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Inherited a Vault or Strong Room? Here’s What to Do Next

Vault being removed from old building society

With banks, building societies and post offices across the UK closing down at a fast rate, property developers, architects, construction companies, business owners and others buying commercial premises are faced with a new challenge – inheriting a vault or strong room.

Purchasing a building that has a disused vault or strong room door may seem like a benefit at first, after all, it’s a free security addition to the building. However, these robust specialist security products are generally above and beyond what a regular business needs and can be costly to remove.

Find out more about why banks leave their security products behind, and what options are available to you if you’ve purchased a commercial building with a vault, large safe or strong room door present.

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Emergency Barricade – What, When and Why?

ERA Lockdown Door Security ImageIt’s scary to think that in this day and age we need such extreme security strategies in place to block out potential intruders. Unfortunately, the statistics and news we hear so regularly show us that these emergency products and plans are still very much needed.

High-risk environments such as warehouses, schools and airports to name a few, should have sufficient, effective and detailed plans on what to do should such an emergency situation unfold.

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Specialist Extendor Security Cages At Thornhill Security

Rings at a jewellers If you work in or own a premises where high-value items or cash are kept onsite, you will likely have a security measure such as a safe in place to ensure that these items are protected from theft.

Whilst safes have their place, they are not always practical for securely storing bulk items such as medication, jewellery, weapons, IT equipment and precious metals.

At Thornhill Security, we have a range of products designed to keep these items safe – including our range of Extendor security cages. Find out more about these security cages and their benefits in this post.


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