Thornhill Security Ltd

Christmas Security: Our Top 7 Tips

Christmas Security: Our Top 7 Tips

Christmas Security TipsChristmas brings excitement for many, both children and adults alike. The delights of festive foods, gift giving, and spending time with the family are the pinnacles of a great Christmas. But, unfortunately, Christmas is also a prosperous and joyous occasion for thieves across the globe.

Caught up in festive spirit many individuals and homeowners lose sense of keeping their homes and belongings secure. Subject to a higher than normal value of contents, thanks to a pile of gifts, gadgets, and jewellery our homes are a hotspot for burglar activity as we leave them unattended to enjoy parties and visit relatives. So rather than let your home become subject to a real life Grinch literally stealing Christmas, ensure your property, cars, and gifts are out of prying hands. Follow our top tips below:

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Keeping your Work Equipment Secure When Working From Home

Keeping your Work Equipment Secure When Working From Home

Working from home has increased immensely this year in the light of the COVID pandemic. In April during lockdown 46% of us were working from home and whilst the government encouraged workers to return to offices in August, they have had to revert to their working form home where possible guideline as the number of COVID cases begin to rise again.

Many organisations had already taken the decision to keep employees working from home until January 2021, whilst some businesses have gone further and chosen to close their offices altogether and completely revert to their workforce working remotely.

Whichever group you fall in to, it is clear that businesses and individuals need to be thinking longer term and to assess in particular the security measures they have for protecting valuable equipment and kit.

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Say Goodbye To Big Sets Of Keys With A Master Key System

Thornhill security master keyYear upon year, commercial and retail industries experience the most amount of crime compared to any other sector with over 12,000 crimes reported in 2015 in the UK. This figure is far lower than previous years as many retailers have worked to improve the security of their businesses. Security is paramount to any business who wants to prevent crime against them, a break in can have devastating effects on a business and depending on the nature of the break it can compromise client confidentiality.

Thornhill security offers you peace of mind against internal and external crime in the form of the master key system

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Smart Burglars – Are Crowbars a Thing of the Past?

10881 300x300 1Think of a burglar and what do you picture? Maybe you imagine an individual in a black and white stripped top, black eye mask, a swag bag over his shoulder and a crow bar in the other hand. Well, this stereotypical view is certainly no longer the case, if it ever was, as smart burglars are unfortunately making themselves known.

In the digital age, the internet and associated apps allow us to do things we could once never thought possible. However, despite their praised ability to aid and change daily life, some burglars are taking advantage of the good natured intentions of mobile applications. Read on and ensure you out smart these so-called ‘smart’ burglars:

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Security Grilles: Keeping You Secure At All Times

door 300x200 1Ensuring the security of your home or business property should be of the highest concern. Did you know that it only takes 12 minutes for a thief to gain access to your home and run off with all of your valuables?

It shouldn’t be that easy. Ensure that your home is a target best avoided with high quality security measures. Along with locks, safes, and sensible living why not invest in security grilles? They’re particularly beneficial throughout the summer; let us explain:

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How Secure Is Your Office?

Running your own company can be a tricky business; there are so many important bits to be considering day in day out. From ensuring your employees are taken care of and your clients are happy to checking finances and making sure that you have Is Your Office Secure Enough?a healthy bottom line, your list of to dos are potentially endless.

As well as the aforementioned, making sure data is secure is a top concern for everyone involved at the workplace. The last thing you want is to impact both your business and your clients with a security breach. You may already have measures in place, but could they be improved? Or perhaps you’re not quite sure how to secure your workplace? Let the team at Thornhill help you with a few simple guidelines:

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